Friday, January 7, 2011

Video of Jesse

I know not everyone is partial to watching the little antics of newborns, but when you are the mom then every little thing is absolutely darling. So, these are a couple of things I got on video that make me smile every time I watch them. And I've gotten chewed out by the grandmas to start posting something of Jesse so they can enjoy him too. So, this is for the demanding - oh, I'm sorry. I meant loving, adorable, kind grandmas. Enjoy! :)

PS: In the second video of him sleeping, you will want to turn the volume up.


Brandon and Charisa said...

He is so sweet...that's all I can say, what a sweet little boy.

Charisa and Trent said...

that second video is hilarious!

kathy said...

Thanks from one of the pesty grandmas! You made my day. He is so adorable...can't wait to see him in real life.

Cheri said...

Pesky Aunt Cheri says thanks for sharing too! :-) He's so cute!