Monday, April 25, 2011

Do Unto Others...

The kids spent an entire three hours outside. Doing what, you say?


Crouching down in one spot torturing a poor ladybug. Oh, they didn't think they were torturing it. They thought they were taking care of it, much like their mommy takes care of them.

Jeriah carefully pulled up a pile of grass and put the ladybug on top, giving it something to eat.

He covered the ladybug up with a pile of dirt, so it could play in the dirt.

He got some water and put the ladybug in it, to give it a bath.

When I told him that ladybugs don't eat grass, they eat bugs, he ran over to his dirt box and started digging. When he found a worm, he ran back over to his precious ladybug and said, "I'm going to kill this worm so the ladybug can eat it!"

I found out that there is an arsenal of ladybugs in that area of our backyard, so I'm looking forward to many more hours of uninterrupted time to myself, though I'm sure the ladybugs wish they had picked a different backyard to live in.

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